My Sunday school class has been doing a book called The Remarkable Women of the Bible by Elizabeth George. Today we finished talking about the fourth chapter related to Mary, the mother of Jesus. There were a couple of things I felt a need to journal that seemed kind of significant to what I've been feeling lately.

"Dear one, consider two lessons from Mary's difficult life that we can take
with us along life's painful path.

"Lesson #1: Life's pain
should never allow us to neglect caring for our
loved ones.
shows us that. Despite the agonizing pain He
felt as He hung dying on
the cross, He was thinking of Mary, and he called John
to provide for

"Lesson #2: Life's pain should never cause us to doubt
God's care for
The Almighty is with us always, even to
the of the age
(Matthew 28:20), and He will not fail to provide for us
(Psalm 23:1) or to love
us to the end.

"Thank God for His
unfailing love and care for you...and then follow His
example by caring for
your loved ones, even in the midst of your own personal

This is something that reminds me that God will never leave me, especially in the times I need Him the most. His love for all His children is neverending. Thank God because I would be lost without Him during those tough times. Like the death of my uncle that I am coping with now.


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