I've been busy on my knees a lot lately. I am getting some answers to the questions I seek, but the details of which direction I need to go in my life is still out of reach, and hazy.
George Mueller: Faithful Servant of God, and great role model! (Part Two) What is Faith?
In the third chapter of An Hour With George Muller ( pronounced Mueller) edited by Charles Parsons, and George Muller (Mueller), Mr. Parsons shares George Muller's (Mueller's) autobiography titled Real Faith by George Muller (Mueller) . I have been struggling in my faith lately, so here are some inspiring quotes I've taken from it: "'First: What if faith? In the simplest manner in which I am able to express it, I answer: Faith is the assurance that the thing which God has said in His word is true, and that God will act according to what He has said in His word. This assurance, this reliance on God's word, this confidence is faith... 'The province of faith begins where probabilities cease and sight and sense fail...Appearances are not to be taken into account. The question is whether God has spoken in His word.'" Then Mr. Mueller goes on to explain how faith can be increased. The bolded words below are what I need to work on with God...