"Mine, mine, mine!"

The following two paragraphs are from my work in Experiencing God:

Weekly Review Question: 7. What has God done through circumstances that has given you a sense of His timing or direction concerning any aspect of His will?

Seeing Jeremiah and Angela after 18 years. My dad is able to see them one more time on Earth before dying, and he wouldn't have had the chance if he went in his own timing like he wanted to. My dad hasn't died yet, but he wanted to a couple years ago.
"There is not one inch in the entire area of our human life about which Christ, who is Sovereign of all, does not cry out, 'Mine!'"
The previous quote was stated by Abraham Kuyper. I found the quote in the book, Heaven, when I was reading the section on resurrection. I wanted to share this particular quote because it made me think of the seagulls in Finding Nemo. Whenever a possible morsel swam by, the gulls would shout, "Mine, mine, mine!" over and over again until they either got the food, or the food got away.

It also made me think of children as they are growing up when they go through the phase where everything is theirs. It gets annoying to the parents, but the parents know the child will eventually grow out of it. The kid never gets over the phase fast enough for the parents, though.

It's different when God says it because everything really is His. He created it, so He owns it. It's just on loan to the human race for a while.


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