I wrote a poem the other day that I thought I'd share here. I'm adding it to my poetry book I'm writing as well.

Here it is:

God's Call

God's call is for one and all,
especially those who fall.
God's call gives you a choice to obey,
or to turn away.
Some choices are hard,
but end with a great reward.
A reward that never fades
likes a pair of shades.

God's call is for good.
Will you do what you should?
The reward will be so great
that I can hardly wait
to start enjoying what I've missed
since a serpent learned to hiss
sweet nothings in the ear
of one that God held dear.

Since the fall, the world has been hell for all.
Those who follow God have had a difficult path to trod.

How much longer must mankind wait
until we can see the pearly gate
that awaits us at the entrance to a place
that is the home of God's saving grace?

God does not want us to fall,
so we must heed the instructions when we hear God's call.

Now I'm going to answer Unit 8's weekly question from my Experiencing God study.

8. What word of guidance or truth do you sense God has spoken to you through another believer?

Of all the weeks I've answered so far, this is the hardest. I have no idea what God has spoken to me through other believers lately. If the question didn't end with through another believer, I would've responded with the poem I just shared. I think I was inspired by God somehow to write it. I'm not sure how, but there is the finished product in front of you.


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