I've been so tired lately. Tired of the death that's been surrounding me, and my family. Tired of working non-stop only to be faced with the reality of death when I have any spare time. I've been writing a bunch of poetry only to keep me sane. If I stop, I'm afraid of what will happen in my brain. Will I snap? I feel like I'm tettering on the edge of an abyss, and if I'm not careful it's down I go.
I know God is with me even now, and for that I'm very grateful. Without him, I don't know how strong I would be. He is my strength, comfort, and reason for living. I'm just having a lot of "Footprints" moments in my life right now.
Footprints in the SandOne night I had a dream. I waswalking along the beach with the Lord,and across the skies flashed scenes frommy life. In each scene I noticed two setsof footprints in the sand. One was mine,and one was the Lord's. When the last sceneof my life appeared before me, I looked backat the footprints in the sand, and, to mysurprise, I noticed that many times alongthe path of my life there was only one setof footprints. And I noticed it wasat the lowest and saddest times in mylife. I asked the Lord about it: 'Lord,you said that once I decided tofollow you, you would walk withme all the way. But I noticedthat during the mosttroublesome times in mylife there was only one setof footprints. I don'tunderstand why you leftmy side when I neededyou most.' The Lord said,'My precious child, I neverleft you during your timeof trial. Where you seeonly one set of footprints,I was carrying you.'