I've recently started reading a book called "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn. I'm not very far into it, but it has been rather insightful. I've come to the point of keeping a notebook close by to write down any quotes that make me think, and changes the way I see things about my spiritual walk. It's a good thing for me, though. Anyway, following is a quote from the book, and the reason why I chose to share it here. The quote is taken from page 54 of the book.

"It isn't merely an accommadation to our earthly familial structure, for instance, that God calls himself a father and us children. On the contrary, he created father-child relationships to display his relationship with us, just as he created human marriage to reveal the love relationship between Christ and his bride (Ephesians 5:32)."

My family got an answer to a prayer last night! First, a bit of history: When my sister, Amee, was younger she had two children, a boy and a girl. She had been going in and out of jail for a long time, and put them up for adoption to try to give them a better life than she thought she could because she was so young still. My sister was a teen mother.

We've been praying everyday for the children (Jeremiah and Angela) since they've left 18 years ago.

Last night my mom got a phone call: it was Angela! She is living in Silverton with Jeremiah, she is 20 years old and he is going to be 23 next month! Another thing we learned is that Jeremiah has a 2 and a half year old daughter! Making my sister a grandma, my mom a great-grandma, and me and my siblings great-aunts and uncles.

They were raised on a dairy farm in Mt. Angel, OR. Angela works at a pizza place, and Jeremiah is a cabinet maker that is going to be going back to farming. Angela wants to work with horses, and Jeremiah wants to be a farmer or a fisherman.

They are going to be trying to get some time off of work, so they can come down and have a reunion with us. My family is very excited because we thought we might never see them again once they left.
Amee got to talk to Angela tonight, and my mom talked with both of them last night. It's been rather surreal, but it's also a euphoric feeling. It's such a change from the way the year ended for us. Amee is a little hesitant to meet with them because she feels bad about putting them up for adoption, and thinks they won't forgive her for what they did.

The following quote is another one from "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn. It's on forgiveness, and I found it on page 35 of the book.

"You may think you don't deserve forgiveness after all you've done. That's exactly right. No one deserves forgiveness. If we deserved it, we wouldn't need it. That's the point of grace. On the cross, Jesus experienced the Hell we deserve, so that for eternity we can experience the Heaven we don't deserve."
My sister doesn't feel like she deserves forgiveness from her children, but Angela told me she didn't hold anything against her mom for doing it. She'll forgive her mom for putting her up for adoption. I'm not sure about Jeremiah's feelings about it yet.


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